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IAF Employees Digital Safety Enablement Program

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Live your life online freely & confidently with award winning online protection

Learn More about McAfee Total Protection

We’ve got your back

Guided, personalized online protection that makes being safe simple, wherever you are.

Scam Protection

McAfee Scam Protection employs AI to proactively identify and block scam texts, ensuring your online safety. It alerts you about dangerous URLs and can block risky sites in real time. As text scams proliferate, with people losing millions, this AI-powered defense becomes crucial. It’s available across multiple platforms, from mobile to PC, safeguarding against evolving cyber threats. Customers with specific McAfee plans already enjoy this protection. Scam text filtering will soon be available for iOS devices, marking a significant advancement in online security.

Protection Score

Protection Score, part of McAfee Total Protection plans, assesses your online security health. It alerts you to data breaches and guides you in resolving them, boosting your score once resolved. It’s a vital tool for enhancing your online safety, offering personalized feedback and simple steps to strengthen your security. Monitoring aspects like activating protection and identity information safeguards, it helps you enjoy a safer online life.

Dark Web Monitoring​

Dark web monitoring, provided by McAfee Identity Monitoring, safeguards your personal information by scanning the dark web for stolen data like email addresses and passwords. By detecting compromised information before cybercriminals launch automated attacks, it offers early alerts, allowing you to take swift action to protect your accounts and minimize the risk of financial fraud.

McAfee Identity Monitoring offers unparalleled dark web monitoring, detecting stolen information on average 10 months ahead of other services. This early detection empowers you to secure your accounts promptly, reducing the window of opportunity for cybercriminals to engage in financial fraud.

Web Advisor

McAfee WebAdvisor is your trusted web companion, ensuring your online safety as you browse. It shields you from malware and phishing threats without slowing down your browsing experience. It offers Misclick Protection to block malicious links, Typo Protection for alerting you to address typos, and safer download scans to prevent known risks. McAfee WebAdvisor provides you with, worry-free web browsing, free of adware, spyware, viruses, and phishing scams.

True Key

True Key is an automatic password management tool that securely stores and enters your passwords. It employs robust AES-256 encryption, ensuring that only you can decrypt and access your information. Sign-in is straightforward with a master password on trusted devices, and additional multi-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security. McAfee values your privacy, never sharing or selling your data, keeping your passwords exclusively in your hands.

If you want to know anything, ask us

How do I use McAfee Total Protection?

When you open McAfee Total Protection for the first time after installing, you’ll be greeted by a guided tour that will help you run scans and discover capabilities.

Does McAfee Total Protection remove viruses?

Once McAfee Total Protection is installed, you’ll be able to scan for viruses and quarantine/remove them.

How many devices can I use with McAfee Total Protection?

McAfee Total Protection is available in three packages: for the individual, which covers one device; the multi-device package, which covers five devices; the household package, which covers ten devices; and the Ultimate package, McAfee software is compatible with Windows, Mac OS, iOS, and Android devices.

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